torek, 1. december 2009

Polentarska pizza

Baje že obstaja, ampak nisem še nikjer zasledil.


- 150g polente (pa magari instant)
- sol, origano, bazilika, poper
- 200g sira (najbolje naribanega)
- 5 žlic paradižnikove mezge
- polovica hrenavke (narezana na rezine)
- 70g suhe salame
- 9 oliv

Polento skuham (ker je instant je to precej hitro) v kropu aka. slani vodi, in jo zlijem na pomaščen pekač. Počakam, da se polenta shladi. Koliko se bo polenta shladila je pomembno zaradi trdote le te, saj bolj kot je hladna, bolj se zgosti. Priporočam vsaj 15 minut, trdoto oziroma gostoto lahko preverim s prstom. Ko pride polenta do željene trdote, jo namažem z paradižnikovo mezgo, ki sem jo zmešal z baziliko, origanom, ščepcom soli (najprej poskusim stopnjo slanosti) in ščepcom popra. Po paradižnikovi mezgi potresem približno polovico sira, čezenj položim rezine suhe salame, hrenavke in olive, vendar ne vseh 9, ker vsaj 3 pojem. Čez posujem še ostali sir in dam v pečico, ogreto na 180°C, za dobrih 15 minut. Ko vzamem iz pečice pojem, vendar pazim, da se ne opečem po grlu.

4 komentarji:

Maarja pravi ...

Just out of the blue question- do you have any idea where in Ljubljana it is possible to buy cardemon?

Or where is some specialised spice-store?

Thanks and best

Lovro pravi ...

If you will give me your mail I can help you more but for now I will give you just this web site that will surely help you

I am sure u can find some shops in Ljubljana but I realy dont know any one personaly. Most of the stuff you can get in ordinary super marcets like mercator, tuš and/or spar or in other small shops in BTC so try there. Also you have this web site

this may help you too. good luck with your search for the perfect ingridient.

Lovro Kuhar

Maarja pravi ...

Thank you for your reply. I tried most of the big stores and called to Kotany (if I write it correctly) and Maestro companies, nothing.

I will try some small ones in BTC's.

And actually other thing I can't get hold on, is fresh coriander (cilantro), summer time I had it in my garden here and from Ljublana marekt it was possible to get fresh one sometimes, but now, it seems like mystery to me.

My e-mail is maarja.b (at)


Lovro pravi ...

I wrote to you on your mail. Hope I helped you if you didnt get my mail write to me and I will send you the mail again.
